All about Deadlock Heroes - Infernus

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll delve into Infernus's formidable abilities and how he influences battles. Infernus, the fiery being from another plane, brings a scorching array of skills to the fray.


Like most teenagers, Infernus was wild, rebellious, and impetuous. Unlike most teenagers, Infernus was a creature from another plane and had a supernatural mastery over fire. His youth was filled with no small amount of arson, murder, and evidence disposal. But that was then. Now an adult, Infernus has mellowed out considerably. He's happy working at a bar with good live music and talking to interesting people. That being said, when someone at the bar gets belligerent or violent, he's not afraid to dust off the skills he once honed.

Hero Overview

Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning foes before swooping in for the kill. Due to Infernus's blazing speed, his enemies won't be able to escape the flames.


Infernus spews napalm that slows enemy movement and amplifies the damage he does to them. The first upgrade grants an extra charge. The second grants Infernus +20% Lifesteal against victims. The final upgrade gives +10% Damage Amplification and -40% Heal/Regen.

Flame Dash

Infernus moves forward at a high speed and leaves a flame trail that burns enemies. The first upgrade grants a +30% Fire Rate slow for 7 seconds. The second upgrade grants +45 DPS (Damage Per Second). And the third upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds.


Infernus' bullets build up to apply a burning effect on enemies. His bullets and abilities will refresh the duration. The first upgrade causes victims to deal -30% Spirit Damage; the second upgrade increases the burn duration by 1 second. And the third upgrade grants +30 DPS.

Concussive Combustion

Turns Infernus into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in its radius. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 40 seconds. The second increases the stun duration by 0..5 seconds and the radius by 4 meters. The final upgrade grants +115 Damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit.

Infernus's transformation from a wild, rebellious youth to a tempered adult is reflected in his versatile and potent abilities. Whether igniting foes with his flames or unleashing concussive combustion, Infernus remains a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Keep an eye out for his blazing presence in your next encounter!

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Ivy!