All about Deadlock Heroes - Ivy

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll delve into Ivy's remarkable abilities and her impact on the battlefield. Ivy, the gargoyle with a heart of gold, brings a disruptive set of skills to the fight to empower her allies and take down injustice.


The gargoyle didn't know what was happening when it sprang to life; it was just that a big human and a small human were being hurt. And so the gargoyle leaped to action, sending the attackers fleeing in horror. The small human said thank you and asked the gargoyle's name. The gargoyle didn't have one. And so the small human said, "I'm going to call you Ivy." The gargoyle, being covered in Ivy at the time, thought it was a bit obvious but decided to go along with it for the small human's sake. The humans asked if Ivy would come home with them so they could show their appreciation, and so Ivy walked with them. That night, she learned much. The family was called The Arroyo's. The little one, Sophia. Mofongo is what they call a plate of deliciousness.

But most importantly, she learned that the people attacking them were called "The Mendoza Syndicate", and they were hurting people, nice people like The Arroyo's. 18 years have passed since the day the Arroyo's took Ivy home, and during that time she made it her mission to dismantle the Mendoza Syndicate and free Spanish Harlem from its grasp. However, the thing about dedicating your life to a single pursuit for nearly two decades is that you don't really know what to do once you achieve it. For the first time in her life, Ivy is prepared to venture outside of Spanish Harlem and see what the world has to offer beyond vigilante justice.

Hero Overview

Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns, and sharing heals.

Kudzu Bomb

Ivy summons a patch of choking vines that damage and slow enemies in its radius. The first upgrade grants an extra charge. The second increases the duration by 2 seconds, and the third upgrade grants +60 DPS (Damage Per Second)

Watcher's Covenant

Ivy gains bonuses and automatically connects with a nearby ally to share them. Healing is replicated among all those connected. Connection requires line of sight. The first upgrade grants a +10% fire rate, and the second grants a +3m/s movement speed bonus. And the third grants +1 Tether count.

Stone Form

Ivy turns herself into an impervious stone. Smashes into the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemies. Heals Ivy for a percentage of her max health. She also has some air control before falling. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds, and the second grants +80 damage and stuns for 0.5 seconds. The third upgrade grants +20% max health heal.

Air Drop

Ivy takes flight with an ally or a bomb. Ally gains bullet resist but cannot attack or use abilities while lifted. Ivy can drop her ally to cause a large explosion that causes slow movement. Ivy and her ally gain a bullet shield when flying ends. The first upgrade grants -20% Bullet Resist on enemies hit for 12 seconds. The second upgrade grants +300 Bullet Shield and increases the Explosion radius by 3 meters. The final upgrade applies silence on enemies hit for +4.5 seconds.

Ivy's selfless dedication to justice and her ability to empower her allies make her a formidable force on the battlefield. Her disruptive set of skills, from summoning choking vines to turning herself into an impervious stone, showcases her versatile combat tactics. Ivy's journey from protecting Spanish Harlem to venturing beyond it is a testament to her growth and willingness to explore new horizons. As Ivy continues to make a difference in the world, her impact on the fight against injustice will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Haze!