All about Deadlock Heroes - Kelvin

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll explore Kelvin's extraordinary abilities and his profound influence on the battlefield. Kelvin, the intrepid adventurer seeking answers from the frozen unknown, brings a compelling array of skills to aid his team and turn the tides of battle in their favor. Join us as we uncover the mysteries behind Kelvin's unparalleled powers and his quest for understanding.
A famed adventuring scientist, Kelvin made it his life's mission to explore and understand the unknowable. So naturally, when rumors surfaced regarding an 8th astral gate hidden in the Arctic, Kelvin couldn't build an expedition team fast enough. Assembling the brightest minds of his generation, Kelvin and his team set forth with much fanfare. They have yet to return. A year and a half later, the frozen body of Kelvin was found by a fishing trawler, his corpse clutching a rock etched with glowing runes. The crew chipped away at the ice, looking to get a closer look at the body. They were shocked when Kelvin opened his eyes. They checked his vitals, and there was no pulse. They sought to bandage his open wounds; there was no blood. And yet, impossibly, Kelvin was "alive". Having no memory of what happened on the expedition, Kelvin is looking for answers.

Hero Overview
Timely heals and splitting a teamfight properly is the difference between an easy victory and a ruinous defeat. Gliding around slowing enemies gives Kelvin's team the maneuvering advantage to make this happen.
Frost Grenade
Kelvin throws a grenade which explodes in a cloud of freezing ice, damaging and slowing enemies. Its first upgrade grants an extra charge; the second allows Frost Grenade to heal 135 HP to friendly targets, scaling with Spirit. The final upgrade grants an extra +175 Damage.

Ice Path
Kelvin creates a floating trail of ice and snow that gives movement bonuses to him and his allies. For the duration, Kelvin gains 60% slow resistance. Enemies can also walk on the floating trail. The first upgrade for this ability grants +4m/s Sprint Speed. The second reduces the cooldown by 16 seconds. The third makes it so that while Ice Path is active, Kelvin gains +1 Spirit Power per meter of Ice Path trail created, with a max of 55 Spirit Power.

Arctic Beam
Kelvin shoots cold energy in front of him, damaging targets and building up movement and fire rate slow against them the longer he sustains the beam on them. He has reduced movement speed while using this ability. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 8 seconds, and the second grants +40 DPS. The final upgrade fires two additional arctic beams toward enemies within 15 meters of the last target hit.

Frozen Shelter
Kelvin freezes the air around him, creating an impenetrable dome around himself. While in the dome, allies rapidly regenerate health and enemies are slowed. The first upgrade grants a +40% Fire Rate slow, the second reduces the cooldown by 40 seconds, and the third increases health regen by +70 and scales with Spirit Power.

Kelvin's relentless pursuit of the unknown and his ability to manipulate the frozen elements make him a valuable asset in the heat of battle. With his frosty arsenal and remarkable resilience, Kelvin stands as a beacon of hope for his allies and a daunting challenge for his foes. As he continues his quest for answers, his impact on the battlefield is undeniable, and his presence will surely be felt in the annals of heroic exploits.
Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over McGinnis!