All about Deadlock Heroes - Paradox

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll take an in-depth look at Paradox, the enigmatic master of manipulating time and space. Paradox, a shadowy figure associated with the notorious thieves' guild, brings a unique set of abilities to the battlefield, allowing her to outpace her enemies and disrupt their plans with strategic precision. Join us as we delve into the secrets behind Paradox's extraordinary capabilities and her relentless pursuit of staying one step ahead in combat.


Paradox. An artifact of time and the name of a notorious thieves' guild, one that prides themselves on constructing elaborate heists that target the most untouchable of individuals and institutions. What does Paradox do with the countless artifacts, state secrets, and celebrity paternity tests that they have stolen? They put it on display at pop-up museums; so that they can show the world that no one is out of Paradox's reach. Shrouded in mystery, each member of Paradox dons a mask and takes on the organization's name. They are everywhere. They are nowhere. And if they want something, they are inevitable.

Hero Overview

Manipulating time lets Paradox outpace an enemy in one-on-one combat. She thrives by subjecting her enemies to timely swaps into a waiting pulse grenade, her wall, or into the middle of her teammates.

Pulse Grenade

Paradox throws a grenade that begins pulsing when it lands. Each pulse applies damage, movement slow, and stacking damage amplification for Paradox against the victim. The first upgrade grants +1 pulse. The second reduces the cooldown by 8 seconds. The last upgrade grants +45 Pulse Damage.

Time Wall

Paradox creates a time-warping wall that stops time for all enemy projectiles and bullets that touch it. Enemies that touch the wall will take damage as a percentage of their max health hand is briefly slowed. The first upgrade increases the width by 2 meters and the height by 1 meter. The second upgrade grants an extra charge. The third upgrade will cause enemies who touch the time wall to be silenced for 3 seconds.

Kinetic Carbine

Paradox starts charging her weapon and gains increased movement speed; once it's fully charged, her next shot will release the energy, dealing spirit damage and applying a time stop to the enemy hit. The damage dealt is an amplification of her current weapon damage.

She can slow time on herself by pressing [RMB] while an empowered shot is available.

The first upgrade increases the Max Stop duration by 0.5 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds and increases the speed boost duration by 2 seconds. The third upgrade increases the damage amplification by 50%.

Paradoxical Swap

Paradox fires a projectile that swaps her position with the target enemy hero. While the effect occurs, she gains spirit lifesteal, and the enemy takes damage over time. The first upgrade increases the cast range by 15 meters. The second upgrade increases the Swap Damage by +100. The final upgrade reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds.

Paradox's manipulation of time and space sets her apart as a formidable force on the battlefield. Her ability to outmaneuver and disrupt her enemies with calculated precision makes her a key asset to any team. As we've unraveled the secrets behind Paradox's extraordinary abilities, it's clear that she brings a unique and influential presence to combat. So, keep an eye out for Paradox as she continues to leave her mark on the ever-shifting tides of battle.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Mo & Krill!