All about Deadlock Heroes - Seven

Welcome to our series highlighting exceptional individuals! In this feature, we will delve into the mysterious world of Seven, a figure with unparalleled skills and a strong sense of independence. Known for his enigmatic nature and extraordinary abilities, Seven operates with an unmatched mystique, navigating challenges with precision and grace. Join us as we explore Seven's enigmatic aura and uncover the formidable qualities that define his captivating presence.


When mystic energy awoke on Earth, the world changed; anything was possible. But just because anything was possible didn't mean that anything should be possible. And so the government made rules—laws—a means for US citizens to enjoy the benefits of the supernatural world in safety. But rules and laws were for lesser men—men with limitations—men who were not Seven.

There are many rumors about what Seven did to land himself in Lost Whisper, an oubliette for the most dangerous of occultists. But there is no doubt about what happened on the night of his execution. Wards placed by the most potent ritualists of 7 different nations, wards designed not just to prevent mystical interference with the execution but simultaneously obliterate Seven's soul so that it could never be contacted, resurrected, or otherwise be used by someone looking to follow in his footsteps failed. Onlookers viewed in horror as the strongest mentalist employed by the US Army's head popped like a grape. They screamed as Scotland Yard's premiere occult investigator, the one who allegedly captured Seven, crumbled to ash. Seven's body buckled and writhed against his restraints, his skin burning from eldritch electricity, and yet he would not die. He laughed. He laughed as he tore himself free from his bondage.

He laughed as his captors cowered in fear. He laughed as he massacred his tormentors. He laughed as he tasted the fresh air that was denied to him for years. And he laughed when he thought about what he was going to do once he reached New York City.

Hero Overview

Seven thrives in a skirmish, waiting for the time to strike. Then, he rolls into the fight like a storm and batters his enemies with a cascade of lightning.

Lightning Ball

Seven shoots a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. It does damage to all targets within its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world. The first upgrade grants an extra charge. The second upgrade grants +40% movement slow. The final upgrade increases the DPS by +70.

Static Charge

Applies a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge stuns and damages enemies within the radius. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds, the second upgrade increases the radius by 8 meters, and the final upgrade increases the stun duration by 1.1 seconds.

Power Surge

Seven powers up his weapon with a shock effect, making his bullets proc shock damage on his target. This shock damage bounces to enemies near the target. Occurs once per burst shot. The first upgrade causes Shock Damage to apply -15% spirit resist for 8 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 16 seconds. The third upgrade grants +12 shock damage, improved spirit scaling, and +3 max jumps.

Storm Cloud

Seven channels an expanding storm cloud around him that damages all enemies within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line of sight. He has increased bullet resist during the channel. The first upgrade grants +35% bullet resist while channeling storm cloud. The second upgrade increases the channel time by 7 seconds and the radius by 10 meters. The final upgrade grants +75 DPS.

Seven is a formidable and electrifying hero with a dark and mysterious background. His abilities, such as Lightning Ball, Static Charge, Power Surge, and Storm Cloud, make him a force to be reckoned with in any skirmish. His relentless pursuit of power and his ability to defy conventional limitations make him a truly terrifying opponent. As we continue to explore the world of Seven - The maniacal madman, we are left wondering what his next move will be in New York City. Stay tuned for more updates on this electrifying hero.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Pocket!