All about Deadlock Heroes - Shiv

Explore Shiv, the tactical hero from Deadlock. Learn how to maximize her abilities in your matches.

All about Deadlock Heroes - Shiv

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll explore Shiv's formidable abilities and impactful role on the battlefield. Shiv, a dedicated member of "The Baxter Society" and a fierce monster hunter, possesses a unique skill set that allows him to outmaneuver and eliminate his enemies with ruthless efficiency. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of Shiv's exceptional combat prowess and his unwavering commitment to protecting the world from supernatural threats.


A loyal member of "The Baxter Society", an international order of monster hunters, Shiv travels across North America looking to put down creatures that prey on the living. While his less polished nature and criminal past make some of the more traditional members of the Society wary, no one can deny his effectiveness.

Hero Overview

Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit-and-run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.

Serrated Knives

Shiv throws a knife that damages and bleeds an enemy. Each additional hit adds a stack and refreshes the bleed duration, causing the bleed to increase per stack. The first upgrade grants an extra charge. The second upgrade increases the bleed duration by 2 seconds. The third upgrade increases the damage by +40 and the bleed DPS by +5.

Slice and Dice

Shiv performs a dash forward, damaging enemies along the path.

When he unlocks his ultimate, grant an extra effect: while rage is full, an echo of shiv retraces the dashed path after a short delay, damaging enemies again. The first upgrade lowers the cooldown by 4 seconds. The second upgrade grants +85 Damage. The third upgrade reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds per enemy hero hit and 1 second for non-heroes, with a maximum of -6 seconds per dash.


Shiv takes only a portion of incoming damage immediately and defers the rest to be taken over time. Activates to clear a portion of the deferred damage.

Ultimate Unlock: While rage is full, the amount of damage deferred is increased. The first upgrade increases the deferred damage duration by 5 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds. The third upgrade increases the amount of deferred damage cleared by 25%.

Killing Blow

Shiv leaps toward an enemy hero and instantly kills them if their health is below the kill threshold; otherwise, he deals 200 damage to them.

This ability has a passive effect, which allows Shiv to be filled with rage when damaged by enemies. While at full rage, Shiv gains increased damage and unique properties on his other abilities. The first upgrade grants +2 m/s move speed while at full rage. The second upgrade increases the kill threshold by 8%. The third upgrade resets this ability's cooldown when executing an enemy with it.

Shiv's unyielding dedication to eradicating supernatural threats, coupled with his cunning and resourcefulness, sets him apart as a formidable force on the battlefield. His hit-and-run tactics, coupled with his array of lethal abilities, make him a force to be reckoned with. As we continue to explore the diverse array of heroes and their unique skill sets, Shiv stands out as a prime example of unwavering determination and strategic combat prowess in the face of otherworldly adversaries.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Seven!
