BitSkins 2.0 is finally here.

With great enthusiasm, we announce the most significant and extensive update in BitSkins’ 8-year history: BitSkins 2.0.

Since 2015, BitSkins has been a pillar in the CS:GO trading scene, and now with the release of CS2 on the horizon, it is time to make some changes. Our team has been working tirelessly to completely overhaul everything about BitSkins to make it better, faster, and safer.

Before we look at some features, here are two important dates to keep in mind regarding the launch of BitSkins 2.0:

  • On the 29th of July, we will close and start the migration process. We will have a simple landing page with progress information regarding the migration.
  • On the 1st of August, 2023, BitSkins 2.0 will be made officially available to the public.

What will be moved? Should I withdraw my skins and money?

No, you don't have to withdraw your money or skins - it will be moved to the new platform.

What we are going to transfer

  • Listed items (everything will be 1:1)
  • Pending items (ready to withdraw/relist)
  • Balances
  • Sale fees (if you have a better fee than 5% it will be frozen forever)
  • User details - email, trade links, 2FA, API Key, KYC approvals

Now, without further ado, let's unveil all of the exciting new changes that we can’t wait for you to see firsthand!


One of the most obvious changes you will not about the new BitSkins site is the complete design overhaul. The appearance of the site is now much easier to navigate and more appealing. The site now follows a greyscale theme to allow skins to pop, and the ability to filter items is now much more visible and easy to use.

By clicking on your name in the top right corner, you can find a menu that allows you to easily navigate to your inventory, your items for sale, your buy orders, and your BitSkins store, alongside your wallet, transaction history, settings, and support.

The market appearance has also received a complete overhaul. Now, you can click on an item that is for sale, bringing up a page of vital information providing price information, more variants of the skin available on BitSkins, links to go to the item on Steam and view more of the same item on the BitSkins market, as well as the ability to place bulk buys or buy orders straight from the item page. You can also see a chart displaying recent sales of the item, as well as sales history and a list of current buy orders for the item.

Naturally, with an improvement of the market design, we also need to deliver an improved sell interface. The new sell menu is much easier to navigate, and you can easily select items from your Steam inventory to sell. You can easily change prices based on current market listings. The sell page is extremely transparent, describing how much fees will be taken and more. From the Sell page, you can also open your BitSkins inventory, see which of your items are currently listed, place buy orders, and check out items you have favorited from the market.

There are tons more new design features that we have added to BitSkins 2.0, but we can’t fit them all in one article, so be sure to check the site out when it launches!

Better Filters

BitSkins 2.0 makes buying skins much easier thanks to an improved filter interface, where you can now filter by type of weapon, price, exterior(float), category, quality, and trade hold. We also have new advanced filters, including skin family (doppler, blue gem, etc), the ability to sort by specific stickers, phase(for Dopplers and Gamma Doppler knives), and even a “High Tier” category.

Better Sorting

Alongside better filters come better sorting to make buying skins easier. You can now sort by price, date added, discount, featured, float, paint index, and paint seed. You can also add several layers of sorting, making it easy to find the perfect skin for your parameters.

Better Screenshots

It is now much easier to see what listed items look like in-game. If you see a skin you like, just click on it and you will be able to see the frontside and backside on the market listing page, and you can also open the full screenshot by selecting the “Screenshot” tab beneath the images.

Lower Fees

For years, we have been working to lower fees to provide the most financially rewarding experience for our users, and we are proud to announce that with BitSkins 2.0, we have changed our fee structure to make it better.

Our fee system is now built on a multi-layer structure, where the more you sell, the lower your fees. Along with this, the more expensive the item, the lower the fees. All users start at Level 1, where their fees are between 5% and 10%, depending on the price of the listed item (the more expensive the item, the lower the fees are). However, as you sell items, you gain progress toward the next level, where fees decrease; the more skins you sell, the lower your fees are.

More Payment Options

We now offer more payment options to help users withdraw money in the best possible way for them. Alongside Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Card, and Coupon options that existed in BitSkins originally, we now offer Binance Pay and ZEN Pay (WeChat, Trustly, Paysafecard, and many more!).

More Language Options

To ensure that our site can conform to all users across the world, we now offer translations of the site in many languages!

Multiple Currencies

To help make trading easier to understand, we now offer 11 different currencies so users can see prices in terms they can better relate to.

More Stable

Thanks to better code and new technology, we can guarantee a more stable experience for users, officially making BitSkins 2.0 the fastest site across all marketplaces.

Faster Speeds

In the past, BitSkins took pride in fast speeds, ensuring a seamless and quick experience when buying and selling skins. Now, we are even faster, up to 500x faster in some scenarios vs. the legacy version of the


With BitSkins 2.0, we have completely revamped our API, offering more features, improved safety, and a much more user-friendly interface. Now, users can manage trades, withdraws and deposits, and much more using the new API, making BitSkins’ API the most advanced in the Counter-Strike skins ecosystem. The new API uses a JSON input format, and it is available in several coding languages.

With an improved API, we can now offer our users high security to keep their skins and money safe. This includes Two-Factor-Authentication, as well as IP whitelisting and notifications when people other than you try to log into your account.


Here at BitSkins, the community means everything to us. That's why with BitSkins 2.0, we want to reward our community with an affiliate program where anyone can make money. By referring new users, you earn a percentage of their sales. Even with just 10 referrals, you will get 10% of the fees on the site! The more users you refer and the more sales they make, the higher your percentage, all the way up to 40%, the highest compared to any other marketplace.

Private Listings

BitSkins 2.0 now offers private listings, so you can sell to people completely risk-free in exchange for a balance on BitSkins, which can be withdrawn to almost any payment method you want. BitSkins takes a small fee (half of the regular listing fee) in exchange for being a middleman of the private listing, ensuring that your skins and money are completely protected.


With BitSkins 2.0, we prioritize our customers, and to maximize transparency and make buying and selling on BitSkins more seamless, we now offer notification channels on Telegram and Discord.

By linking your Discord or Telegram, you can opt-in to receive notifications for new logins, completed sales, fulfilled buy orders, confirmed wallet deposits, support ticket replies, and bargains received. You can also select which things you want to be notified about, and which things you don't.

Improved KYC

To comply with legal regulations, we require the information of all users to ensure that no illegal actions are being taken on BitSkins. Our KYC system now has three levels, starting with level 0. New users start here, where their deposits and withdrawals are limited. However, by verifying certain information, users can achieve level 1, which increases their deposit and withdrawal limits, and gives them unlimited crypto deposits. By providing proof of address, users can achieve level 2 of KYC, which gives them unlimited crypto and non-crypto deposits and withdrawals.

DON’T WORRY! All users who completed KYC on BitSkins will automatically have these features when their account is migrated to BitSkins 2.0.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the launch of BitSkins 2.0! With tons of new features, we are proud to provide our community with a safer, faster, and more individually conformed experience while buying and selling with our site. See you on the 1st of August!