Is Steam Down? How to Check Steam Network Server Status

It's the most dreaded experience for any gamer. You boot up your favorite game after a long day of school or work only to be met by an error telling you that a connection to Steam is required to play the game. But most of the time, you don't even know if it is a general Steam error or a client-side issue.
In this short guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about how to check if Steam is down in your region. Let's get right into it.
Routine Maintenance

If it's a Tuesday and you are reading this guide, then that means there is a 99% chance that Steam is down for its weekly maintenance, which occurs every Tuesday, usually between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM Eastern Time(EST). The routine maintenance normally lasts under an hour, but can occasionally be much shorter or longer.
Is Steam Down?

If Steam isn't scheduled for routine maintenance and there are no updates for the application, then either Steam is down or your computer is having an issue. Luckily, you can easily check to see if Steam is down, and if it isn't, then you know the latter is the cause of your issue. To check Steam's server status:
- Go to
- Look for your region on the right side of the database
- Look to see the status of your region. If your region is down, then you won't be able to play any games on Steam until it is back.
- You can also look at the two graphs on the left side of the screen. The graph near the top shows Steam's connectivity status. As you can see in the image above, when Steam went down, the graph showed a sharp drop in connectivity until it returned back to normal status. The bottom graph shows the page views of the website. Spikes in page views usually align with the Steam network status; when more people are experiencing issues with Steam, more people go to the site to see if Steam is down.