Steam's New Trade Security: A Game Changer Against Scams

Apparently, Steam has rolled out a new security feature that is a significant step in the fight against scammers. Now, if you log into your Steam account from a new device, trading on that device is disabled for a few days. This delay gives users a crucial window to secure their accounts in case of a breach.

API scammers have long exploited the speed at which they can transfer items from hacked accounts, making quick trades before the rightful owners can react. This new measure from Steam throws a wrench into those plans. By introducing a mandatory delay, Steam severely limits the ability of scammers to make off with stolen goods, offering a significant deterrent to their activities.

By slowing down the trading process from unfamiliar devices, Steam is effectively deterring would-be scammers. This change encourages users to enable additional security measures. Also, in the long run, this proactive step by Steam could significantly reduce the number of successful scams, fostering a safer trading environment for everyone involved in the CS2 community.