All About Deadlock Heroes - Dynamo

All About Deadlock Heroes - Dynamo

Welcome back to our Deadlock hero spotlight series! In this edition, we'll dive deeper into Dynamo's unique abilities and how he impacts team fights. Dynamo, the inquisitive Scientist turned interdimensional entity, brings a dynamic set of skills to the battlefield.


As a Scientist, Professor Dynamo always had a curious

mind. So when a rift in space and time opened up in Central Park, he was first on the scene to investigate. While he expected such a majestic sight to be life-changing, he was thinking more in a symbolic way as opposed to having his body atomized and reduced to a tiny, dying star. But while his body is gone, his spirit and lust for knowledge live on. A tenured professor at Columbia College, Dynamo looks to learn more about his condition while maintaining his class load; after all, he has future minds to inspire.

Hero Overview

Dynamo keeps himself and his allies healthy while waiting for his moment. Few things can warp a team fight more than a well-coordinated use of Singularity.

Kinetic Pulse

His first ability, Kinetic Pulse, releases an energy pulse that knocks enemies up into the air with a base damage of 100 and a range of 15 meters. Its first upgrade allows it to have any enemies hit by it have their fire rate and movement slowed by 40% for 4 seconds. The second upgrade will enable Dynamo to deal 30% more Weapon Damage to enemies hit, for 8 seconds. The final upgrade grants +125 damage to the ability.

Quantum Entanglement

Dynamo briefly disappears into the voice and then reappears a short distance away. Upon reappearing, his weapon is reloaded, and he receives a fire rate bonus for the following clip. It can be cast with Mouse3 to bring nearby allies and give them half the fire rate bonus. Its first upgrade grants +4 meters case range, the second gives +25% fire rate bonus, and the final upgrade grants +120% base ammo upon reappearing.

Rejuvenating Aurora

Allows Dynamo to restore health over time while channeling to him and nearby allies. The first upgrade grants a +4m/s move speed bonus for 8 seconds if Aurora is fully channeled; it also grants 5AP with the upgrade instantly. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds, and the final upgrade grants complete move and ability use and additionally heals +4% of max health per second.


His ultimate ability, "Singularity", creates a singularity in Dynamo's hands that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them. Once it's finished, enemies get knocked into the air. The first upgrade increases the Singularity radius by 2 meters, and the second upgrade increases the duration by 0.75 seconds. The final upgrade makes it so Singularity takes 3.8% of the enemies' max health each second.

Dynamo brings a unique set of skills to the battlefield, focusing on keeping himself and his allies healthy while impacting team fights with his abilities.

His background as a curious scientist turned interdimensional entity adds depth to his character, and his abilities, such as Kinetic Pulse, Quantum Entanglement, Rejuvenating Aurora, and Singularity, make him a force to be reckoned with. Dynamo's dynamic playstyle and strategic impact on team fights make him a valuable asset in the Deadlock arena.

Make sure to check out our previous installation in this series, where we go over Bebop!
