All about Deadlock Heroes - Lash

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll unveil Lash's extraordinary abilities and pivotal role on the battlefield. With a heritage shrouded in mystery and enigma, Lash emerges as a fierce and agile combatant, wielding unparalleled prowess and cunning tactics. His proficiency in aerial maneuvers and ruthless combat techniques solidify his position as a dominant force against all adversaries. Join us as we delve into the depths of Lash's extraordinary capabilities and unwavering determination to conquer his foes in the arena of champions.
Given his assortment of jewels and the ship's anchor he wears, it is assumed that Lash has a maritime heritage. But it's more likely an aeronaut, a sailor of the skies, than a conventional naval sailor. According to Yoshi, the developer of Deadlock, there are no airplanes in the universe. Zephyrs, or wind spirits, are used by airships instead. Lash has a ship's anchor tattooed on his left arm, possibly a zephyr or a symbol like clouds. Further evidence of an aeronautical background comes from Lash's skill at flying and the ship's horn sound during his ultimate ability, "Death Slam." Mo and Krill's voice lines refer to Lash as a " stevedore," a person who assists in unloading cargo from ships, which raises the possibility that Lash is a dockworker who assists in smuggling.
Past the shipping background, Lash is a part of the Bear Pit, an underground arena of blood sport where spectators can gamble on matches. Bebop is another known competitor in the pit and is often referred to as Lash's titular rival. Lash makes a few remarks to Wraith, leader of New York's York's gambling syndicate, mocking her for betting on Bebop. Lash also taunts Kali, a former Bear Pit competitor, for coming out of retirement only to go back to a two-decade hiatus after losing to Bebop.

Hero Overview
Lash gives his enemies little room to breathe, either by flying in from long distances to initiate combat with unsuspecting enemies or pursuing said enemies when they try to run.
Ground Strike
Lash stomps the ground beneath him, damaging enemies in front of him. If he performs a ground strike while airborne, he quickly dives toward the ground. Damage grows slower after 25 meters. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds. The second upgrade causes struck enemies to be popped into the air and slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. The third upgrade increases the damage per meter by 110% and improves scaling.

Lash pulls himself through the air towards a target. Using grapple also resets his limit of air jumps and dashes. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds. The second upgrade grants a +20 meter cast range and +6 weapon damage for 10 seconds. The third upgrade grants a +20% fire rate to the weapon bonus buff.

Strikes enemies with his whip, stealing life from them. The first upgrade applies 35% movement slow for 3 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. The third upgrade grants +105 damage and applies a 35% fire rate slow.

Death Slam
Lash focuses on enemies and connects whips to them. After channeling, connected enemies are lifted and stunned and then slammed into the ground. His victims and any enemies in the landing zone will be damaged and slowed. The first upgrade increases the max throw distance by +8 meters. The second upgrade grants +100 Damage. The third upgrade reduces the cooldown by 60 seconds.

Lash's unique background and exceptional abilities set him apart as a captivating and formidable force on the battlefield. His enigmatic origins and impressive skill set continue to intrigue and inspire players in the arena of champions. Stay tuned for more captivating developments and character spotlights in the gaming universe!