All about Deadlock Heroes - Mo & Krill

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll dive deep into the formidable duo of Mo and Krill and explore the exceptional abilities that make them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Mo and Krill, renowned members of The Tunnel Rats, utilize their expertise in underground operations to dominate their adversaries and protect the interests of their organization. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of Mo and Krill's extraordinary powers and their unwavering commitment to maintaining order in the city's underworld.


Mo and Krill are members of The Tunnel Rats, a group that helps facilitate illicit trade and commerce between the boroughs, thanks to a network of underground tunnels. But while most residents of the New York underworld respect the work The Rats do every once in a while, a gang tries to exploit the tunnel system for personal vendettas; that's when Mo and Krill step in and remind the city what happens to those who disrespect their hospitality.

Hero Overview

By burrowing through the ground, Mo and Krill can get the drop on almost anyone, and once they get in close, the results can be devastating.


Mo & Krill deal damage to nearby enemies and heal themselves based on the damage done. Heal is more robust against enemy heroes. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds, and the second upgrade increases the damage by +25. The third upgrade adds a debuff to enemies that lets Mo & Krill deal +15% damage to them, stacks, and lasts for 16 seconds.


Burrow underground, moving faster and gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When they jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that damages and slows. The cooldown starts when the burrow ends. The first upgrade increases the burrow time by +3s. The second upgrade grants +140 Spin DPS and +2 radius. The final upgrade reduces cooldown by 20 seconds and increases move speed by +3m/s

Sand Blast

Mo & Kirill spray sand that disarms enemies in front of them and deals damage. The first upgrade increases the duration by 1.5 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds, and the third slows targets by -50%.


Mo & Krill hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel. If the enemy dies during a combo, Mo & Krill permanently gain maximum health. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 30 seconds. The second increases this ability's duration by 1 second. The final upgrade grants +40 DPS and 100% Lifesteal.

Mo and Krill's unique skill set and unwavering dedication make them a formidable presence on the battlefield. Their ability to manipulate the underground terrain and deliver devastating attacks sets them apart as vital assets to The Tunnel Rats. With their resilience and strategic prowess, Mo and Krill continue to enforce their influence and protect the intricate network of tunnels that shape the underworld landscape. Thank you for joining us as we explored the remarkable abilities of Mo and Krill, and we look forward to seeing how they continue to leave their mark on the city's shadowy domains.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Kelvin!