All about Deadlock Heroes - Vindicta

All about Deadlock Heroes - Vindicta

Welcome back to our Hero Spotlight series! In this edition, we'll delve into Vindicta's compelling abilities and her pivotal role on the battlefield. Vindicta, a resolute survivor of the Salem Witch Trials and an unwavering adversary of "The Friends of Humanity," wields a potent array of skills that enable her to confront and neutralize her foes with relentless determination. Join us as we explore the intricacies of Vindicta's remarkable combat prowess and her steadfast dedication to safeguarding the supernatural from malevolent forces.


A victim of John Hathorne during the Salem Witch Trials, Vindicta got a second chance at life when her spirit was brought back to the mortal plane during the first Maelstrom (the event that introduced the supernatural to the public at large). Waging a one-ghost war against "The Friends of Humanity", a neo-inquisition formed by Hathorne's descendants, Vindicta looks to keep the supernatural safe from Hathorne's ilk, and she isn't afraid to stack as many bodies as needed to do it.

Hero Overview

Vindicta has the mobility to engage at her leisure, picking at her prey and bleeding them out slowly. Injured enemies at any distance should fear being picked off when she is on the map.


Vindicta throws a stake that tethers enemies to the location where the stake lands. Enemy movement is restricted to the length of the rope. The first upgrade increases the Tether duration by 0.75 seconds. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds. The third upgrade disarms tethered enemies.


Vindicta leaps into the air and flies. While in flight, her weapon deals bonus spirit damage. The first upgrade grants +50% base ammo while flying. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. The third upgrade increases spirit damage per bullet by 12.

Crow familiar

Vindicta's crow familiar deals with impact damage and applies a bleed that deals damage based on the target's current health. The first upgrade allows the crow to ricochet up to 2 times toward other enemies within 15 meters. The second upgrade reduces the cooldown by 17 seconds. The third upgrade grants +3% Bleed and suppresses healing by -40%.


Vindicta uses her scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot over long distances. Deals only partial damage until fully charged after 1 second of being scoped. It does bonus damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining. Landing a killing blow on a player with Assassinate grants her bonus souls. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds. The second upgrade increases the bonus damage by +140. The final upgrade grants +600 bonus souls for assassination.

Vindicta's unwavering resolve and formidable abilities make her a compelling force on the battlefield. Her relentless pursuit of justice and protection of the supernatural realm serve as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. As we continue to unravel the depths of her combat prowess, it's evident that Vindicta's impact on the ongoing struggle against "The Friends of Humanity" is nothing short of extraordinary. Stay tuned for more insights into the extraordinary heroes shaping the conflict against supernatural threats.

Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Shiv!
