CS2 Inventory Themes: Summer Edition

CS2 Inventory Themes: Summer Edition

Summer is here and that means it’s time to freshen up your inventory and embrace the summer mood through your in-game skins. Summer is best associated with hot weather, the beach, the ocean, wildlife and plantlife, all things this loadout will take inspiration from. 

So, without further ado, here are our picks for a summer themed inventory.

Gloves - Hand Wraps | Overprint

An important reason as to why Hand Wraps specifically were chosen were their design. In the hot summer weather, your fingers need to be free and in the open air, hence the Hand Wraps were the correct choice. The Hand Wraps | Overprint feature a plethora of geometric patterns, with one pattern depicting a floral design. All this, in a gorgeous teal color, leads to a pair of gloves that fit perfectly into the summer theme and act as a strong base for the rest of the inventory.

Knife - Karambit | Bright Water

First off, the Karambit | Bright Water fits perfectly with our already selected gloves, being complementary to the Hand Wraps | Overprint. The Karambit | Bright Water is a blue skin, a bright color, fitting of the theme as well as being a camoflage pattern. Camouflage designs feature lots of leaves, as the original purpose of camoflage was to conceal soldiers during the war. The link to flora makes it a good pick for this type of inventory.

Rifles - AK-47 | Wild Lotus

The AK-47 | Wild Lotus is one of the best AK-47 skins in the game. The Wild Lotus features an array of flowers across the entire body of the rifle, with an orange lotus flower acting as the center piece of the design. The flowers that adorn the AK-47 | Wild Lotus have been hand painted over a green base, making the skin incredibly eye-catching.

M4A4 | Daybreak

The M4A4 | Daybreak is from the Rising Sun collection and that alone makes it suitable for a summer-themed inventory. The body of the M4A4 has been painted with a sunrise emerging through the clouds. The rising sun, acting as the focal point of the design, depicts a bright summer's day, making it a great selection for this inventory.

FAMAS | Waters of Nephthys

The FAMAS | Waters of Nephthys is a fairly new skin to the game, being added through The Anubis Collection in April 2023. The Waters of Nephthys depicts an ocean across the FAMAS, with ocean-like blue covering the entirety of the skin. The FAMAS | Waters of Nephthys is particularly special due to the new lighting effects added to CS2. This means that as the weapon shifts, so does the lighting, creating an appearance similar to lighting shimmering on the ocean on a bright summer day.

AWP | Corticera

The AWP | Corticera is from the eSports 2014 Summer Case, released as part of the Summer is Heating Up update. Enough said. The Corticera design portrays the blooming of a tree, therefore having strong associations with the spring-summer period. The design also features images of flowers and leaves, this skin is perfect for such an inventory.

Pistols - USP-S | Overgrowth

Due to the constant sunlight, plants tend to grow excessively in the summer period and this can lead to overgrown areas - this is what the USP-S | Overgrowth depicts. Matching with the knife selection, the USP | Overgrowth has a camouflage motif, giving it summer theming due to the mishmash of leaves and branches.

Desert Eagle | Blaze

In summer it can get hot, sometimes too hot and the Desert Eagle | Blaze represents that feeling. The Blaze skin has a flame coming from the barrel of the gun, either depicting the roaring sun or a campfire on a cool summer evening. Either way, the Desert Eagle | Blaze is a perfect choice for a summer-themed inventory.

Glock-18 | Water Elemental

Finally, the Glock-18 skin. Now, due to the sometimes overwhelming heat in summer, one needs to cool down, and what better way to do that than jumping in a pool. This is what the Glock-18 | Water Elemental represents. The Glock-18 | Water Elemental features a creature made entirely of water, something that would be much appreciated on a hot summer's day.

With that said, there are our picks for a summer-themed inventory. Whether you are going to spend the summer inside playing Counter-Strike or outside with friends or family, make sure you enjoy it!
