Must Know Dust 2 Smokes in CS2

Must Know Dust 2 Smokes in CS2

With an all-new CS2 update being released this week a plethora of new exciting features have been released into the game. The long-awaited left-hand update was what many have been begging Valve to add for months. By far the best addition in this new update is the change of the Competitive map pool! The map Overpass has been replaced in the Competitive Matchmaking pool with the infamous map Dust 2!

For some this change is controversial but for others, it's an answer to prayers. Dust 2 hasn't been in the competitive pool since the release of CS2 so for many players it has become somewhat of a distant memory. Now that all those premier lobbies are going to vote for Dust 2 you have to relearn all those lineups and calls that lay at the back of your head from ages ago. This article is going to help you re-learn all of those cunning yet useful lineups that will give you an extreme advantage against your enemies!

Before we jump into the fantastic lineups that are coming let's talk about the basics of a lineup. A lineup within CS2 is throwing a smoke from a special position in a certain way that lands the smoke exactly where the thrower desires it. To do this one must practice a lineup dozens of times so it becomes simple muscle memory. A part of throwing a smoke lineup is utilizing what's called a Jump Throw Bind. A jump throw bind is used to provide consistent jumps when throwing your smokes allowing them to reach their intended destination.

A few examples of these binds are the following

alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;";

alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2";

alias "-jumpaction" "-jump";

bind "KEY" "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"

For these commands to work they must implemented into a .cfg file within your settings.

T-Side X Box smoke:

Firstly for this smoke find this little doorway and plant your feet snug with the corner in front of the door. Ensure you cannot move and you are perfectly tight within the corner.

Next, find this location directly ahead of the railing with your crosshair and as you're snug in the corner use your jump throw bind. There you go now that you followed these steps you can master your games with a perfect X-Box smoke!

T-Side A Cross Smoke:

For this smoke, you are going to find the stack of boxes directly in front of the entrance of A-Long. Once you arrive there align yourself as far on the edge of the bottom box as possible (see image below). Once on this box turn around and look to the palm tree and align your crosshair slightly right of the middle of the two fronds. To complete this lineup you must use a jump-throw bind and click it when your crosshair is aligned.

The result of this amazing smoke is a near-perfect cover of the cross from A-Long to A-Site!

CT Entrance Spawn From Mid:

For this smoke, you first have to run up mid straight to the pallet on X-Box. After reaching the pallet fit yourself snug into the right corner directly over top of the small plant. Once aligned in this position look to your left on the wall and place your crosshair at the same level as the dot on the wall shown below. To execute this smoke simply throw from that position. Make sure to not jump in anyway or it will cause the smoke to miss!

The result of this smoke is an absolutely amazing CT-destroying CT spawn smoke!

B-Window Smoke:

This smoke is an essential part of a good B-site push. The result perfectly covers window, denying any pesky CT players from attacking you from above. To get started with this smoke find the wooden plank lying on the ground in front of the entrance to B tunnels. Once you arrive there place your feet diagonal to the plank like shown and look at the top right arch. Near the top of the left side you will see a small chipped indented area in which you place your crosshair. Once you have followed these steps use a jump throw bind (or just jump throw yourself) and it should cover window perfectly if done right.

Once done correctly the result should look something like this!

B-Site Door Smoke:

This smoke is simply amazing! To throw it first you must enter into upper tunnels just to the right of the tunnel leading to B site. Find the box sitting on the floor near the pillar and stand directly in front of it. Once you are here look straight up and to the boards on the roof like seen below. Aim your crosshair in the bottom right corner and simply throw. Make sure not to jump throw this one or it will miss!

The result of this smoke covers B doors perfectly!

CT Spawn From A Long:

This smoke is just absolutely amazing. It denies the CT players from attacking from spawn well the thrower is not even exposed in the slightest. To start this lineup locate the "x" like bricks on the wall just outside of A Long Doors. Align yourself as seen below and look up straight ahead. Hug the wall with your crosshair until you are just over the small edge piece. For this smoke surprisingly a jump throw is not needed so make sure to just do a regular standing throw to get it right.

If performed properly the final result should look something like the following.
