All about Deadlock heroes - Grey Talon

Welcome back to our Deadlock hero spotlight series! In today's article, we'll be diving into the formidable and enigmatic Grey Talon. Known for his agility and cunning, Grey Talon brings a unique set of skills to the arena. Join us as we explore the intricacies of this captivating hero and discover the strategies that make Grey Talon a force to be reckoned with.

A founding member of "The Baxter Society", Wesley Grey Talon spent close to 40 years hunting monsters that preyed on man before finally deciding to find a replacement and lay down his bow. Grey Talon's duties had meant that he never spent much time with his wife and kid, and now that his son had started a family of his own, he realized that this was his last chance to reconnect with the people he loved. Retirement suited Wesley. He made up for lost time with his wife. He doted on his grandkids. He cooked dinner for the whole family every Wednesday. He was happy. Then he got the call. The authorities claimed that it was a freak accident and that the fire consumed his son's house before anyone got a chance to escape. But Wesley knew better. His son's wife was Ixian, and she could snuff out flame with a thought. If their bodies were found burned, they had to be dead long before there was a fire. And so Grey Talon has picked up his bow once more, and when he finds who's responsible, there will be a bloody reckoning.
Hero Overview
A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.
Charged Shot
Charge up a powerful shot that pierces through enemies. Its first upgrade grants an extra charge; the second upgrade gives it +70 damage. The third and final upgrade grants improved damage scaling and -3 seconds charge delay.

Rain of Arrows
Launches Grey Talon high in the air, allowing him to glide slowly. While airborne, he gains Weapon Damage and multishot on his weapon. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds. The second upgrade makes it so that while airborne, Grey Talon receives +7 Weapon Damage, and weapon damage applies 40% movement slow for 1.5 seconds. The final upgrade grants +50% Bullet Lifesteal and +50% Spirit Lifesteal.

Immobilizing Trap
As the name suggests, this ability throws out a trap that begins to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing them. The first upgrade reduces the cooldown by 20 seconds. The second upgrade increases the immobilization duration by 1 second. The final upgrade allows Grey Talon to deal +30% more Bullet Damage to enemies hit by the ability for 10 seconds.

Guided Owl
After 1.5 seconds cast time, Grey Talon launches a spirit owl that he controls, which explodes on impact, damaging and stunning enemies. Grey Talon can accelerate or release control. Grants permanent Spirit Power for each enemy hero killed with this ability. The first upgrade grants +100 Damage, and the second reduces the cooldown by 50 seconds. The final upgrade makes it so that after a hit, enemies below 22% health are killed instantly.

Grey Talon commands attention through his unparalleled finesse and unparalleled abilities. Whether it's his swift maneuvers or his lethal precision, Grey Talon stands as a testament to the diverse and enthralling characters within the Deadlock universe. Keep an eye out for future spotlights as we continue to unravel the captivating world of Deadlock heroes.
Make sure to check our previous installation in this series, where we go over Dynamo!