Pros With Skins - m0NESY

Did you know that m0NESY is not called the Flash because of his lightning quick reactions, but because of his collection of flashy skins? Well this might not be true, however, it doesn't diminish the fact that this 19-year-old prodigy boasts one of the most impressive inventories among all CS pros.
m0NESY's Steam ID has been blessed by his Chinese collector friends, and features a treasure trove of crazy skins with even crazier stickers placed on it. While the liquid value of his inventory shows up to be less than $100k, the rarity and stickers on it escalates it to well over $250k.
m0NESY's knives and gloves

m0NESY currently rocks a combo of the Butterfly Knife Doppler (Ruby) and a pair of Factory New Sports Gloves Vice in his inventory. The Butterfly Knife Doppler (Ruby), which has been in his inventory for 2 months, is valued at $11k. The Sports Gloves Vice, acquired 4 weeks ago, on the other hand, are worth $17k.
However, the apple of the eye remains to be the Nomad Knife Case Hardened Blue Gem, with pattern 456. With only 9 registered on Float.db, this knife holds extreme rarity, being the lowest float available with this pattern. This knife alone could be worth over $40k.
m0NESY's playskins
m0NESY boasts one of the best Katowice sticker collections among Counter-Strike pros. His inventory features an array of striking skins with the Kato 14 iBUYPOWER Holo and Titan Holo power couple. These skins are not only visually stunning and extremely valuable but also exceptionally rare, thus making it hard to put a specific price tag on them.

M4A1-S Cyrex : Only eight M4A1-S Cyrex rifles are registered on Float.db with the coveted iBUYPOWER and Titan fire-ice combo. Among these, m0NESY’s stands out as the only one with a Reason Gaming holo sticker adding to the allure, making it truly unique.
SSG 08 Blood in the Water : Regarding the SSG 08 Blood in the Water, only five exist with both iBUYPOWER and Titan stickers, and m0NESY's holds the second-best float among them.
M4A4 Asiimov : m0NESY’s M4A4 Asiimov is another rare gem. Out of only two registered items, his not only features VOX and Reason Gaming holos but also boasts a superior float of just 0.189, making it one of the most desirable M4A4 Asiimovs with Katowice stickers.
AWP Dragon Lore : The crown jewel of his collection is a Factory New AWP Dragon Lore. This masterpiece is adorned with a Reason Gaming holo on the scope and iBUYPOWER and Titan holos on the body, making it a visual delight for Dragon Lore enthusiasts.
m0NESY's crazy inventory doesn't just stop here. He also holds a factory new M9 Lore, a Stiletto Doppler Ruby, a Karambit Doppler (Phase 4), a factory new Skeleton Slaughter, and numerous other exceptional items.
With over 20k hours in the game, the young prodigy has Service Medals that date back to 2015, and Pickems Trophy from Majors as old as MLG Columbus 2016. He also has the Genuine Howl Pin, and a diamond coin in the Stockholm 2021 Major where, ironically, his current team lost in the final to NAVI.