Skin Creators With the Most Accepted Submissions (Part 2)

Skin Creators With the Most Accepted Submissions (Part 2)

After learning about some of CS2’s artists with the most accepted submissions in part 1, we continue with the final top 3 and their incredible skins.

These last artists standout above the rest by having their own sticker capsules, adding to the total accepted items.


TheDanidem is one of the most popular designers in our community. He’s definitely a special case in this list, because opposite to most artists, his accepted items are mostly stickers.

With 28 total accepted items, TheDanidem gave us the MP7 | Empire, kitten AWP | Paw, and is another winner from the Dreams and Nightmare contest with his covert MP9 | Starlight Protector.

On top of that, He’s the creator of the entire Skill Group Sticker Capsule, which is beyond impressive, in addition to having five stickers in the 10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule which are: Leaving The Station, Magic Rush Ball, Showdow, CBBL and Global TV.

Although those stickers are relatively recent, his first accepted item is the Queen of Pain sticker from 2014. One of his most remarkable works is the Dragon Lore sticker which was released within the CS20 sticker capsule.

With so many stickers in the game, we can go ahead and call him the sticker king.


We continue with another artist who’s equally as impressive with many recognizable skins.

ZAPHK, is the second highest contributor in this list with an incredible 32 items, including an entire sticker capsule.

He’s notably known for his work with 2minds in creating a masterpiece of a collection; The Tarot collection including the AK-47 | Empress, M4A4 | Emperor, USP-S | Traitor and AWP | Mortis.

ZAPHK is the creator of the ultimate space skin; the M249 | Nebula Crusader, alongside other honorable mentions such as the MAG-7 | Justice, USP-S | Caiman and MAC-10 | Stalker to name a few.

With his skins out of the way, the reason he has so many items in the game is the Feral Predators Sticker Collection. One of the most sought after stickers since the custom sticker placement update, with players making their budget Dragon Lores and such.


The king of anubis, budget skins, and the first creator to ever have a Zeus skin, APEL8.

The king of the workshop has 34 accepted items in the game. And he’s the king of Anubis because he has 5 skins from the Anubis Update which introduced the Anubis collection.

“Well, technically 6 if we count the AK-47 | Legion of Anubis since it follows the same theme although released 4 years ago”.

He’s the artist behind, the AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor, M4A1-S | Nightmare, AWP and Scout Fever Dream, AK-47 | Uncharted, AWP | Phobos and the cherry on top the AWP | Containment Breach.

Just like the last contributors in this list, APEL8 also has his own sticker capsule; the bestiary capsule including the Phoenix reborn and Sphinx stickers.

Luckily, he didn’t retire yet and still uploads new stuff to his workshop, so be sure to check his upcoming bangers and upvote them.

These talented artists are the reason we have such a community around skins. Their contributions are heavily appreciated as they help push the pixel world further with each new design and submission.

For that, supporting them is necessary to show love and appreciation for their magnificent work.
