CS2 vs CS:GO Ranks

With the release of CS2 came the launch of an entirely new ranking system. CS2 ranks, at least for the most commonly played Premier mode of the game, are based on an ELO system called Counter-Strike Rating. Your rating points, like a rank in CS:GO, allow you to compare your skill to other players, and determine who you are teamed up with as well as who you are matched with in opposition. However, many players who have been playing Premier in CS2 want to know what their Counter-Strike rating would translate to in terms of CS:GO rankings. Luckily, we have compiled tons of research from different sources to determine what your CS2 ELO is equivalent to in terms of CS:GO ranks.
Grey Ranks: 1,000 to 4,999 Counter-Strike Rating
If your CS2 rating is between 1,000 and 4,999, you would likely be Silver in CS:GO. Here is how different ratings compare to CS:GO:
1,000-2,800: Silver 1
2,800-3,700: Silver 2
3,700-4,200: Silver 3
4,200-4,700: Silver 4
4,700-4,999: Silver 5
4,999-5,600*: Silver Elite Master
*Anything 5,000 rating and above is technically a light blue rank, but we will group it with the grey ranks as 4,999 aligns with that category.
Light Blue Ranks: 5,000 to 9,999 Counter-Strike Rating
Gold Nova/Master Guardian
5,600-6,500: Gold Nova 1
6,500-7,400: Gold Nova 2
7,400-8,400: Gold Nova 3
8,400-9,300: Gold Nova Master
9,300-9,999: Master Guardian 1
Dark Blue Ranks: 10,000 to 14,999 Counter-Strike Rating
Master Guardian/Legendary Eagle
10,000-10,900: Master Guardian 2
10,900-12,000: Master Guardian Elite
12,000-13,100: Distinguished Master Guardian
13,100-14,200: Legendary Eagle
14,200-15,500*: Legendary Eagle Master
*Anything 15,000 rating and above is technically a light blue rank, but we will group it with the grey ranks as 14,200-14,999 aligns with that category.
Purple Ranks: 15,000 to 19,999 Counter-Strike Rating
Supreme Master/The Global Elite
15,500-18,000: Supreme Master First Class
18,000-19,999: The Global Elite
Red Ranks: 20,000 to 24,999 Counter-Strike Rating
The Global Elite
20,000-24,999: The Global Elite
Yellow Ranks: 25,000 to 34,999 Counter-Strike Rating
The Global Elite
25,000-34,999: The Global Elite
This data was collected from several sources, including rank distribution between CS2 and CS:GO, game analysis, and more. Not all data is exactly correct.